April 12, 2021

Categories: SexAstrology

Spring has finally arrived, the sun is shining, the days are longer and we are still in lockdown. Ok, let’s be patient (operative word) and let's ask the stars what they have in store for this April.

** Come saranno sesso e amore nel 2021? **


It is your month, dear rams, you will be particularly upset and impatient, but this, after all, is your nature. Try to be a little less arrogant with your partners and use your incredible charm, the moon smiles at you.

Sexometer: 100%

Lovometer: 95%


On the 21st of this month the sun enters your sign, you will be more romantic than ever, affectionate and sensitive, your partners are very lucky. One warning: don't be stubborn, sometimes it's better to let go.

Sexometer: 80%

Lovometer: 55%


We know, this pandemic has weighed on you more than any other sign. Evenings with friends, flirts and your millions of interests have been put on standby. But don't be so unbearable! Soon, hopefully, things will change and you will shine again, the stars advise meditation.

Sexometer: 40%

Lovometro: 50%


If you are in love with someone and you have not yet revealed it this is the right time to do it, if, instead, you are in a couple reaffirm your love, this will be an excellent chance for a second honeymoon, even in lockdown.

Sexometer: 90%

Lovometer: 55%


Dear sovereigns, it is time for spring cleaning, if you are in an agonizing relationship, maybe it is the case to end it, if you need to clarify with your partner, do it. Time to remove the cobwebs from your heart.

Sexometer: 50%

Lovometer: 50%


Operative word: plan. It shouldn't be too hard for you super organized! Having an action plan will allow you to share your expectations with your partner, thus avoiding unpleasant setbacks.

Sexometer: 60%

Lovometer: 55%


Latent problems with the couple will appear this period. Small misunderstandings, hidden jealousies, unfulfilled expectations will hinder your love life. It is time to clarify yourselves, you know that a relationship, like Rome, cannot be built in a day.

Sexometer: 30%

Lovometer: 40%


Magic month for you arachnids! You will be more sensual and desirable than usual and this is because you will feel much more confident about yourself and others will feel it. Enjoy your magic moment.

Sexometer: 90%

Lovometer: 90%


All you need this month is sincerity: be honest (it's not difficult for you) but expect sincerity from your partner as well. It is not a very easy month, but the light at the end of the tunnel is visible

Sexometer: 60%

Lovometer: 60%


Your excessive sense of responsibility is making you a little too pedantic. Come on! It's spring, grab a nice glass of Riesling and enjoy the season, many will be relieved.

Sexometer: 60%

Lovometro: 70%


Your energy, vitality and enthusiasm will be the real glue in your relationship or, if you are single, these qualities will be the magnet for those around you. It will be a month of positivity. Enjoy it!

.Sexometer: 90%

Lovometer: 100%


It will seem that the world is plotting against you, even your loved ones seem critical of you but it is only your insecurity that is making you lose your balance. Pull the handbrake and dedicate some time to meditation

Sexometer: 40%

Lovometer: 35%